Wednesday, December 18, 2019

ok, so we have an unlikely solstice party on saturday night that it probably makes no sense to go to. it's an info line. it depends entirely on where it is, and how i'm feeling, and last minute updates to the forecast.

very low likelihood.

same thing for next saturday, and on new years, i'm essentially not scratching them out yet, because i might change my mind. but it's almost certain that i'm in for the rest of the year, at least.

the weather down here, at the southernmost tip of canada, is actually not that bad for the next two weeks. there's a cold snap that clears out tomorrow night, and then we should be mostly above freezing until new year's day.

it's starting to look like a timid winter here, actually. it's still too early. but, an early spring is looking more and more likely...

i'm just south of the jetstream, though. even toronto is experiencing something rather different right now. i think that even london is getting hit, right now.