Sunday, December 29, 2019

no, listen.

i don't care where you're from. i don't care what you look like. and, i don't care what gender you are. i'm going to judge you by the same standards.

that means i'm going to expect the same thing from a black british woman that i would from a white american girl. i'm not going to give you different criteria. i'm not going to judge you differently.

quite specifically, to suggest that certain regressive cultural characteristics should be overlooked as "cultural differences" is, to me, actually what would be racist, as it would imply normalizing a concept of racial inferiority. i'm not going to walk down this path of mental gymnastics, where patriarchy is normalized in the black community. to me, that's just an argument for the racial and sexual inferiority of black women, and i think that's complete and utter bollocks.

i'd invite you to examine your own racial preconceptions, because i think you're the one with some issues here, not me.

if i find a record by a black woman to be unfeminist and backwards, i'm going to call it out. if i hear some transphobic language by a black woman, i'm going to criticize it for what it is. and, i will reject arguments about "cultural differences" on their face as racist.

at the end of the day, i'm not interested in identity politics. there's no affirmative action here. i care about the music. that's it. as my list expands, it will probably diversify in certain ways, while rejecting certain types of other things. there will be demographics that will be completely ignored by happenstance, and i don't care. i care about the music...