Sunday, November 17, 2019

i have to admit that i didn't initially take this seriously, between the sitars and the twee j-pop vocals. but, after subsequent listens, the camp actually became a selling point.

it's certainly still hard to take seriously, but i've always had a soft spot for music that you can't take seriously, and it's kind of eating away at that spot.

so, what's the point of writing this review, if you can't take it seriously, anyways? it's the kind of thing that you don't want to analyze, because you'll ruin it - like a waveform collapsing. and, see, i don't like that interpretation of the theory anyways, but i know i'm not accomplishing anything in picking this apart.

i mentioned a few years ago that we'll know rock is truly dead when it enters the novelty phase, but what's maybe depressing about it actually happening is the realization that it really is still more interesting.

so, if the history books end up written by harry shearer, in the end, there's a place for something like this in them.