Wednesday, October 23, 2019

this is tonight in windsor, and i tried to give it a good listen because i don't want that cafe down the street to fail. but, i didn't get past the first few tracks.

this is something i've been struggling with for years, actually. everything else aside, i just can't handle this vocal style; i get this almost violent knee-jerk reaction to it. i'm just fundamentally a gen x kid that really hates what you could call "millennial rock", in pretty much all of it's various incarnations. this is a vocal style that started appearing in the late 90s or early 00s, and i've simply never been able to deal with.

i'm not going to comment on what appears to be a neo-luddite concept, underlying it. i'm not one of those, either - i'm actually very pro-technology.

if it demonstrated a little more musical abstraction upfront, maybe i could try and break it apart a little more, although i suspect it would just lead to deeper criticism. but, it's kind of tame on that level, as well.

ironically, my dad had a soft-spot for this kind of stuff that i didn't. they're playing a college bar, but this is really dad-rock - both in the sense of it appealing to new dads in their 30s, and older ones in their 60s.