Wednesday, October 16, 2019

the show at the dso this weekend is mahler's 4th, which is kind of beethoven-lite, firmly romantic and yet ultimately still too "classical" for me to really find compelling. i'm going to make the bold claim - and you can label me ridiculous if you insist - that actually claiming you enjoy this at this stage is just ultimately pure pretension. you're not serious.

he neither lays the bottom end down the way ludwig (isn't that such a bassists' name?) does, nor does he ever get into the kind of lush soundscapes that a debussy or ravel (or a schoenberg, to stay austrian) would. he's just basically still writing by-the-book classical music, and throwing a few wrong notes in for colour. maybe it seemed like it had a point at the time, but it hasn't really aged well.

i'm going to argue that if you want to listen to mozart, then you should listen to mozart, although i'm not sure why you'd actually want to. on the other hand, if you want to listen to beethoven....

that said, the long range for the rest of the month looks pretty awful, and i'm thinking about it as a way to get out of the house on saturday night - maybe for the last time in a good while.  i'm just checking the rest of the month, first.