Saturday, September 7, 2019

i just want to add an addendum on the big business show that i missed tonight.

i listened to the record a number of times over the last few days, and they kind of ultimately only really do one thing. yes, the record's a little mixed up, but if you sit down and work it out, almost all of the songs are pretty much identical.

a few listens brought out a bit more of a melodic feel that blunted the cockiness of it - it's admittedly not as dumb as it comes off on first or second listen. but, there's just not that much actually happening in the mix - it's just being saturated by needless drum fills.

in some other set of circumstances, i may have worked it into a longer day. as it is, i suspect that the show was actually quite lacklustre. but, i wasn't there. i don't know.