Wednesday, August 21, 2019

i just have essentially no use for film as a medium. with all of the things i could be doing, i find it almost impossible to justify sitting down and wasting time trying to relate to fictional characters on a screen. i'm almost like a child, in that sense: i don't have the attention span. but, i think the kids are right, here, and the adults are stupid. the adults should go play outside...

i haven't seen a david lynch film in something like 20 years.

and, i actually don't remember the last time i sat down and watched a movie out of my own free will. i've been at bars, or parties, or emergency rooms, where there's something on, but, excluding that? it was probably around 2003 or 2004.

there's an entire generation (perhaps even two, given that i wasn't exactly a movie buff in the 90s, either) of film that i'm completely ignorant of. so, i don't have the context, and don't really have the interest to learn it.

i might still go. but, i know i'd have a better time in a room full of people that are legitimately interested in the music. and, i'm not entirely sure how long i'd last in front of a projection; i could see myself getting up and going over to phog.