Thursday, July 11, 2019

what i remember thinking about this wave of acts that came up, which also included cymbals eat guitars, is that it went to shit essentially immediately. but, i didn't connect to this as much as i connected to why there are mountains.

listening to this now, what it actually reminds me of is a newfoundland-via-montreal canadian (do newfies get upset when you call them canadian? more or less so than when they call them newfies? hey, here's a cool joke: seven newfies walked into a bar and played an awesome set.) indie/post-rock act called hey rosetta, who i sort of miss, and i'm not sure you really get the kind of separation from that broader sound with this than you did with some of the noisier things that came from the late 00s. that is, this record could have been released closer to 1999, even if there maybe wasn't yet reason to be pissy about not having jet packs.

i can at least get a good path on friday, and this is the only reasonable option on the board (i don't want to be in anybody's photo or video shoot). but, i'm going to sit on it for a bit.