Friday, July 12, 2019


so, i want to make a public announcement about this because bars seem to have this thing backwards. they seem to think that if they don't post set times then people will show up at doors and wait until the band comes on.

personally, if you don't post set times then chances are that i'm not going at all - because i'm not going to show up at doors and wait around at the bar all night.

the loving touch has given me a four hour window(20:00 - 00:00) to guess when what is probably going to be an hour show is going to happen. meanwhile, there's two other things i'm planning around. there does not appear to be an opening band. i've asked for set times and received no response. so, i'm going to have to scratch the we were promised jet packs show off the list.

if they were to post set times, i'd be able to plan around the other two shows; if they don't, then i can't work that show into my plans tonight.

that said, the other venue is playing later tonight than i expected. my initial plan was to stop in hamtramck on the way to ferndale. if i can get a setlist, i may go to ferndale and then back to hamtramck. but, i'm probably not going to want to go to hamtramck for a 22:00 show at all.

right now, it seems like i'm going straight to marble, but the loving touch still has time to post setlists and fix that.