Tuesday, June 11, 2019

and, how am i doing this?

well, i'm a month behind. if i just start decompressing facebook events since may 23rd into bandcamp links, i'm going to be here for another two weeks just to catch up, and i'm going to find myself in a perpetual loop. i need to start looking ahead, instead.

so, i'm going to take one step forward, then one step backward and, somewhere, we'll meet. that means i'll be up to mid july at the same time as i'm caught up.

when this is finished, i'll have a list of something like 500 bandcamp links to sort through, which will give me plenty of material to sort through as i'm building the case. but, i need to figure out when i'm going.

the touche amore show is too soon, now, and they're doing an old record, on top of it. i think i should step back and let the kids go. the screaming females show may be the most rational choice, but it's on a sunday, meaning i'll have to come in for the show and leave in the morning - not the way i really want to do this. it's at least in actual london, though. right now, that is what is making the most sense.

that means we're looking at the end of july, which gives me 5-6 weeks to prepare, once i've decided upon it. and, i will work quickly - i figure at 36 hours per case, max, i should have all four done within a week.

if, for whatever reason, that doesn't add up, i still have until the middle of september. but, i want to work on my own schedule, here, and if i can get this to the office before august in a way that makes sense to me then so be it.

so, that's what i'm doing and i'll be pushing forward with it for at least a few days. i don't see anything pressing in terms of must-see shows this week, and i could find myself in altogether for the weekend.