Sunday, May 12, 2019

the vocals on this one are worse than the vocals on the last one, but the song structures are a little more interesting. it would probably be better as an instrumental recording.

i'm not going to make it very far if these vocals don't ease up. it just really sounds like autism; and, i don't mean that as an insult or in a derogatory way, it's just a literal description - the slur on the totally tone-deaf vocals is what an autistic person sounds like. the thing is that i don't thing the guy is actually autistic.

i don't know the ultimate origin of the style, but it was widely copied in this period, and in fact still is. maybe the initial progenitor actually was autistic. i don't know. i know this vocal style needs to die...

yeah. no. i'm at track 5 again and i think i'm done. it's a baby step in terms of composition, even if the vocals are worse; even as an instrumental, this would be pretty weak.