Monday, May 20, 2019

if i'd heard of this band previously, i don't remember it. a quick survey of past tour dates suggests that while they've been near me, they've also been associated with a type of garage rock that i don't spend much time listening to. sloan, for example, is a band i'm well aware of but don't have much time for. it is possible that i'd skipped through sound samples and forgotten about it; more likely is that i wouldn't have even gotten that far in an interaction with the marketing.

further, the write-up on the record suggests they're shifting their sound and, without surveying their entire discography, i could hypothesize that i'm reacting positively to the new direction.

even with that stated, this newest record of theirs seems to be pretty front-loaded. if their older material sounds more like the second half, this is not in my sphere of interest.

but, i'll always have a space for dynamic punk rock performed by playful musicians and there is something here, even if it's accidental, or regretted in hindsight.