Wednesday, May 1, 2019

i just want to make a general point.

when it comes to music, it's been clear for a long time that the millennial generation does not have anything original to offer. it's the retro generation; they pride themselves on being derivative. and, contrary to the public perception, you can pull out how inherently conservative they are in their obsession with the past.

throughout the 00s, it was just depressing to be stuck on the edge of the most musically boring and most generally uncreative generation in eons. after the year 2010, there started to be some evidence that the next generation may be a little bit more artistically inclined, if they can find a way out of the shadow of the demographic boom. but, it never fully materialized.

it may be a little bit early still. but, i fully expect to find far more creative and challenging music from the post-millennial generation, and an eventual historical clarification of what we all intuitively know: millennials are fucking boring.