Thursday, March 21, 2019

the return of deathtokoalas

this is the actual first post to this site, dated correctly.

this is the music review blog - concert reviews, album reviews and general music criticism. no politics. i will be archiving youtube discussions here, too - edited for brevity. the site is unlikely to be current for some time, but it should house many historical reviews as i work through the alter-reality. it will also act as a front end for the appspot site on the side.

i didn't want to do this, but i feel i have to do it as i work through the alter-reality...

so, if you always liked my music reviews, but don't like my politics, this is the blog for you.

i'm only returning to my old handle due to the fact that i'm already using the others. i never intended for the association to stick, but i suppose it has.

don't tell the koala central command.