Friday, November 3, 2017

so, what's my ideal unit?

1) i want it to be within walking distance from the tunnel. that's my singular concern regarding location. it can be in any direction, just not much further than i am now. so, that rules out anything east of walker road and anything west of huron church - and anything south of tecumseh. they're going to eventually build a bridge, but who knows when, and it's only valuable to me if i can bicycle over, at which point the city will open right up. if they don't allow bicycle access over the bridge, i'm going to need to continue using the tunnel, anyways, so it won't matter. we'll see if it even gets built. but, i'm going to start caring less in the next 5-10 years, too.

2) there should be a rule saying that you can't enter the building unless you're over 30.

3) no pets. and, the building should be pro-active in trapping strays.

4) no smoking inside or around the building. a designated smoking area should exist at the very distant end of the property.

5) no religious people allowed in the building. not even to visit.

6) i'd like to be on the third or fourth floor, facing away from the road.

7) 550+ square feet. 

8) 650 all inclusive or 600 + hydro.