Sunday, November 2, 2014

ghomeshi has acknowledged there was violence, the question is whether it was consensual.

the problem i have with decoutere as a witness is that she's a cop. if you accept this sort of framing hypothesis as at the least likely given the lengths the conservatives have gone to to take over the cbc, the fact that she's a cop eliminates any sort of objectivity that should otherwise be there.

there are multiple other accusers, and to my knowledge none of them are cops. but this situation of a cop standing up to take down a liberal cbc host on sexual assault charges is very fishy to me....

i mean, i don't claim to know with any certainty what's going on here or who's being honest and who isn't.

but the perception i'm getting is that there's much more to this situation than is apparent on the surface.

it would be useful if jian could clarify what he means by "consensual" because the stories that have come out take the same form - he tries it, they're in shock, it doesn't continue. see, that's not consent. but, dudes often have weird ideas about consent. that would eliminate the contradiction immediately - he would misunderstand consent and be liable for the consequences.

but, the stories also have other constants that are sort of weird. now, i know they're the kinds of things that are often held up as examples of rape culture. i don't remember because i was in shock. i didn't file charges because i was embarrassed. it's often legitimate. but these are also the kinds of things that our legal system has difficulty with.

the reality is that there's a political context here, and these ambiguities need to be clarified before any kind of conclusion can be reached.

all i'm pointing out is that the situation is fishy.