Friday, November 14, 2014

why is our tax money being wasted on this trash?

i'm not normally a fiscal conservative, but it's really upsetting. first fall out boy, now this.

it's not about reducing taxes. i don't pay taxes. it's about the proper use of public funding.

this is money that ought to have been budgeted for art but is instead being wasted on hollywood-style videos to mass market mindless crap. public funds earmarked for art ought to have two focuses in mind:

1) helping actual artists (like me) escape the market forces that make their lives so difficult.
2) general social welfare.

the people of ontario are not in the business of running major music labels. this is the kind of thing that should have been fronted by a label, in return for debt. that is, this kid should be paying for this, not the people of ontario.

there's no cultural, thematic or musical content to this that justifies public expenditures. it's just mindless pop trash. i mean, if you have a definition of art that umbrellas this i'd like to hear it, but expect me to call you on your mental gymnastics if you do try it...

it's sort of fitting that the only responses i'm getting (and deleting) are comments about my appearance.

Why do you say "our tax money" and then go on to say you don't pay taxes. 

because taxes are owned collectively by the public. the fact that i don't pay into the system does not rob me of the right to an equal say in how the funds are used.