Sunday, November 23, 2014

i'd be tempted to conclude this is actually some kind of joke, if i didn't know it is a cynical marketing ploy to try and capitalize off of some existing trends. i'm surprised there's not a product placement for the vodka or something. a nice big captain morgan label would seem about missed your chance for a pay check there, beyonce. tsk.

although, i have to be frank about something that i'm a little concerned about. it seems as though somebody's mama didn't tell her not to monkey around on the balcony. it's all fun and games until somebody falls off the rail.

i'm critical, sure. but this is really, really bad. the production is almost interesting, though. it's just a shame so little was done with it. but i don't pretend that the kids really care, nowadays.

with each hit after the next, the pop music of this generation is just getting more and more incredible in it's utter stupidity. it's not incredible that this exists. but it's astounding that it generated ten million hits in a day. i might hazard a guess that it's all the alcohol. well, it seems to be the topic of a lot of songs, nowadays.

you know what the solution is? these kids need to put the booze down and go find some acid....

it was predictable, though.

you launched a war on drugs...

....and you got a generation of drunken buffoons.

jason smith
Mind expanding drugs would break down all this superficial bullshit. We can use another Tool :D But there never can be another tool.. lol.. But Tool-like.

it does kind of make me want to suggest that some people learn to swim. alas, that's not remotely on topic.

jason smith