Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Joe Heuft
As a Marxist, I couldn't agree more without with the philosophical underpinnings of their lyrics.

With or without?

Anthony Diaz
If you play it backwards, it says, "Send me to the collective farm because Big Brother loves me"

A snappy reply for all the philosophers with no personal experience of how their beliefs feel when realized. Leave Marxism out of good music, this is clearly about getting rid of issues bothering the spirit, not the state. It would stink if they'd play it at ANY political convention. And don't use it for commercials either.

Marxism means no more big record companies funding albums like this...and no more fancy hair salons...

Thank you for sharing the fact that you have absolutely no idea what marxism is. The door is that way.

Dot Red
the state is inherently evil

Yes, there's the door out of music funded by record companies (and the big, bad profit that makes some richer than others (which, by the way, enables the generation of more music.)) - please use it!

the soviets weren't so keen on artistic freedom, and there were a lot of people (anarchists mostly, but also other types of socialists) that saw that strain in marxism coming before it happened. marxism is in fact one of the worst "work or starve" philosophies out there. when you work through it, it's clear that it doesn't really offer a solution to the enslavement of workers, it just tries to argue their condition is a perception that can be overcome.

from an artist's perspective, marxism is truly unworkable and the artists you see arguing otherwise are truly useful idiots. i'd rather suggest an essay by oscar wilde, the soul of man under socialism, as the starting point for an artist-centric brand of socialism. artists have an especially strong motive to suggest solutions that move beyond the old worker-centric calvinist work or starve status quo.

i agree that the band is generally critical of the neo-liberalism that was engulfing the world around them.