Thursday, September 25, 2014

running through these comments, i'm led to believe that people are a little bit confused. a common response seems to be:

"well, he made a few moves on her, and she said no. what's wrong with that? she can't just say she was harassed."

it's the making the moves part that is the harassment.

most of you don't seem to even understand that.

you need to ask somebody before you go grabbing their body parts or grabbing their hands at all, let alone move them to a part on your own body. if you don't ask, that's called harassment.

now, when you know somebody a really long time, those formalities might be a little less entrenched. that's when trust and intent become more important than formal requests.

but the idea that you can just grab somebody that you've known for a mere couple of hours without asking is entirely preposterous. this is the underlying patriarchal entitlement that feminists speak of, and it's all going directly over your heads without so much as a phantasmic smidgeon of evidence that it's remotely grasped.