Saturday, September 13, 2014

fuck being cool. i'd rather be a dork.

and i'd rather hang out with the dorks, too.

there's nothing worse than hanging out with cool people, who demand you conform to all these childish social codes that you thought everybody forgot about in the tenth grade. being forced to conform to all these absurd conventions is like being sentenced to a short jail sentence, or going to church or something. it's really not enjoyable.

the reality is that the "cool people" are never going to grow up and dorks need to accept that and stop pretending they will. that's this guy's problem. no, she's not going to grow out of it. deal with it.

i'm for all the dorks banding together to ostracize the "cool" people out of existence. so, don't talk to cool people. don't date them. don't have sex with them. don't hire them. eventually, they'll go away.

that guy looks like he might be fun to hang out with.

on the other hand, i would go out of my way to avoid somebody who thinks like that woman does.

i'd much rather have seen him tell her to fuck off when she suggests they hang out.

"you think i want to hang out with a stuck up, full-of-themself, hierarchical piece of shit like you? go fuck yourself. call me when you're over yourself."

although, if it was me (in a past life), i wouldn't have gotten that far because i wouldn't have even stopped to talk to her. the closest i would have gotten to communication with a stuck-up piece of shit like that would have been a really nasty dirty look.

a girl like that will you drop you with the next fashion trend. you're nothing to her but an accessory to be taken in and out of her wardrobe. if indie boys were hot last season, and jocks are the new rage, you're gone as fast as the name brand on her purse changes.

it's the increasing process of commodifying everything around us, reducing every aspect of our lives to a capitalist relation with a market mechanism. it's going to define your relationships for your entire life. you should get an understanding of it.

P Vong
Do you really look like that in your picture...

i look exactly like that, in my picture.

Alanna Lancaster
poor you.

i'm trying to empower myself; your pity is very misplaced. i don't need your cool kid approval to justify my nerdiness.