Monday, September 29, 2014

this is not bad, musically, but why do all these kids have to wail like geddy lee? it's just sooooo offsetting...yuck....

hold your horses on the angry reactions, i'm actually giving it a chance on bandcamp. there's enough going on here to warrant it, i just don't know if i can get over that vocal style.

well, they've sold me a ticket to check them out. i'll go from there.

the thing i could never stand about the kind of music that got paired to this vocal style ten years ago or so was really just how generic and flat most of it was. it tended to fall into the simplest shit you could imagine, or just outright pretension - with nothing in between. there was just a dramatic decrease in complexity down from the stuff i grew up with (like the smashing pumpkins) down to the stuff that existed. i tried more than once, but it was just bad music. honestly. it's not age. i've been up and down band after band's discography and it's just all garbage from any point of analysis you could conceive of...

...but that seems to have started easing about 2008 or so. it's still a bit of a struggle to get used to these younger vocalists that actually went through their formative years listening to the literal definition of trite and had it define them, but it's doable. i think it's really just a process of mentally separating it; this doesn't at all seem to be what the singer initially advertises it as.

maybe not, actually. i couldn't get through a second listen without cringing. will try again later.

Daniel Thake
This little band is far above most in this genre, I don't normally listen to this stuff but it is 9/10 for me. I think the vocals are done quite well, it reminds me of Saosin E.P - Translating the name. I personally don't find anything about this generic, it is a great listen.

the thing is that saosin is kind of exactly the kind of thing i was talking about - and this is nowhere near as bad as saosin was, even if it immediately brings that kind of band to mind through the vocal melodies. remember kids: saetia was the one that was borderline listenable (but not really), saosin was the one you should never be caught dead listening to.

i think what happened around '08 was basically that the mars volta started producing a really dominant influence, and they sort of saved the genre from the kind of suck that bands like saosin or fall of troy were pushing. it was less through direct influence (although it's pretty strong, here) and more just the idea of being able to branch out into different styles and experiment with different things, which is something that just wasn't happening in the early 00s.

Daniel Thake
I enjoy Translating the name still, maybe it has a nostalgic feeling on me though, I was 12 years old when it was released. I cannot stand Circa Survive though..

If it sounds good, it sounds good. Sometimes it doesnt though (some DGD songs with Kurt Travis in it dont work for me and some of Thomas' vocals from Fall of Troy are painful). Ive seen Circa and Hail the Sun live, so im personally kinda biased. And i love Rush too, soooo yeah.