Thursday, September 11, 2014

i'm not sure if tyson was born into the autism spectrum or has suffered extreme brain damage from fighting, but it's quite clear that he is suffering from a level of mental retardation that requires empathy rather than condemnation or ridicule.

What? Again, what? Are you out of touch? He put that media jug head right in his place quite bluntly and firmly.

Mike has seen it all, and he's quite sharp.

as a spectrum disorder, autism doesn't necessarily imply a complete lack of understanding, but his behaviour certainly demonstrates a lack of understanding of social consequences, which is a more precise marker to use in diagnosis.

fwiw, i'm undiagnosed, but suspect i may be high-functioning asperger's. i don't need the kind of day-to-day help that mike seems to require (have you ever seen him give an interview on his own?) but i have a lot of social problems. way to miss the point by insulting me for it...

what you'll notice with asd people is that they're often able to "tell it like it is", and they may get a little solidarity for it, but what defines that ability to transcend social conditioning is actually an inability to conform to it.

that blatant honesty isn't a demonstration of not being asd, it's a symptom of it.

I would date you anyway

regardless of the nature of the comment, you're going to get turned down. i don't date...

How would you reproduce then?

i've made a conscious decision not to, for a variety of complex reasons that aren't necessary to state or deconstruct in this space.

Your brain and mindset will change, and that decision may end up changing as well. Besides the point, Tyson reacted a little too strongly. But that doesn't change the right he has to be angry. That rat shit as Mike put it mentioned something completely irrelevant to the context at the time.

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if you want to get into it, i don't think anybody voting for ford at this point is going to change their view of him because he hangs out with convicted rapists. that's the blunt diagnosis from a politically aware canadian not far from toronto.

Coming from someone that lives in the GTA as well, I can honestly say that politics doesn't interest me very much. A conviction 25 years ago has nothing to do with Rob Ford now. 

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canada has a large marijuana industry, and there are persistent rumours that there's state involvement, but we don't have the kind of political integration with cocaine distribution that exists in the republican party.

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again: autism doesn't really mean "stupid", it has more to do with social interactions.

Mike Tyson is tired  of reporters acting like they are on the up and up with him and then trying to humiliate him in front of the camera on in the tabloids. Before an interview there is a pre-interview in which the reporter generally informs the person about what is to be discussed. When a reporter wants controversy he or she will through a sucker punch by asking an off question that was not discussed in the pre-interview. This is what probably happened here. Mike trusted this guy and that's why he went off. i applaud you Mike! Call a spade a spade!

when Mike Tyson isn't pissed he is a very intelligent kind person I guess some people pay attention more to the negative all his career he has been belittled because of the way he may speak in the way his mind works he comes off weird or crazy all the time but a lot of the positive things he has done or interviews that he has had go ignored, not fair

He did his time in jail and he doesn't owe some punk ass reporter who's trying to make a career out of  I gotcha reporting..

true or not, that's not the point i'm making or that a lot of these comments are reinforcing. there's a pattern of behaviour.

Do you even know what he went through growing up? Who he was and where he is today? Maybe some research would answer your question

i have a rough outline. i can't for the life of me see what people get out of it, but my dad was a boxer before i was a born (and had a few broken noses to show for it) and a fan of it, so i picked some things up. from what i understand, he was badly taken advantage of - like many autistic people are.

he was ripped off bad in boxing but boxing in general wasnt the fucked up shit. Look into his life before boxing

that's not what i'm saying. i think a part of his mistreatment may have been a consequence of how autistic people are treated in our society. from what i know about his life, it fits very well.