Saturday, July 26, 2014

in actuality, weird al is an agent of the nwo and his attempt to distract from the fact merely confirms it. why else would he make a video like this?

think about it: all those years on mtv, mocking the counter-culture. the first hint was his "smells like nirvana" video, which attempted to reduce the cultural changes inherent in alternative culture to a mere joke, thereby neutralizing it's revolutionary potential.

it's a well worn tactic, and a clear indication of who he's really working for.

Interesting, but I doubt it. I mean he had to get funding from college humour. If he was working for them he would have an unlimited budget

well, who funds college humour? and are they not carrying on a similar attack?

if it turns out that college humour is clean - i doubt it - then he must have been sent to infiltrate them.

You are both nuts.

it's perfect conspiratorial logic, actually.

when something appears to disprove the conspiracy, it is always evidence of the conspiracy itself.

there is a cabal.

and you're all sheeple.

weird al is been in the game since Queen and Dr. Demento. I would like to think he's not in the cabal but i guess anything is possible. You might like this

his 80s work had a different flavour. but, your suggestion that he's not in the cabal is just more evidence that he is in the cabal. further, you're also probably in the cabal.

PLOT TWIST: You're apart of the secret corporations, and are saying certain things to direct attention to decoy groups :O Duhn Duhn Duuuuuuuuuhn!

Point is; paranoia leads to even more paranoia, until everybody eventualy goes mad. And stop deleting comments, just makes you seem insecure.

well, that's what i'm accusing al of, so it can't actually be true. it must be that your claim that i'm providing a distraction is actually an attempt to distract from my claim that al is an agent. which makes you a part of the cabal, as well.

I remember when I used to be like you, anything that had the nwo in it I would assume or think of ways to assume that its an inside job and that they are working for the illuminati, dont get me wrong im not having a go at you or anything, I believe they are real but just sometimes people ARE actuality having a joke about it, like in this instance

when they can't get you with logic, they attempt emotional manipulation. another obvious nwo agent.

Shhh, we can't talk here. They're watching. Speak behind the dumpster at 11 o'clock sharp.

you've obviously suggested the dumpster because you're aware of the cameras in the streetlights, thereby making you an nwo agent

it reminds me of the time that the undercover cops in food not bombs tried to get us to serve inside city hall. in the district i lived in, city hall was basically the only place in the entire downtown core where we weren't protected by canadian equivalents of the 4th amendment, due to special anti-terrorist legislation. if we served in the park across the street, we'd retain those rights. and, there were, err, reasons why searching us would cause us legal problems.

you guys are sneaky. but i know your tricks.

*holds finger to ear* Shit, she's onto me. Advise.

Everyone is an nwo agent, (I don't even know what the fuck nwo is) I think you should see a psychiatrist because you have a sever case of paranoia which might turn to violent aggression towards other people you accuse of being "involved in the conspiracy", this person here is spreading wide panic with unconfirmed claims, although most people will simply ignore her, other paranoid people might take her seriously which will promote more aggressive behavior. No, I am not from the USA, no I do not believe in "the illuminati" conspiracy, why?, because it's unfunded, idiotic and based on nothing but assumptions and the whole pyramid of belief you have here would fall apart if a single part of it was false.

the illuminati is most certainly funded - largely by your tax dollars. that's why it's so important to avoid paying any taxes. that's the best way to fight the illuminati - complete tax avoidance.

only the sheeple will be fooled by your suggestions. we the people know the TRUTH.

all the nwo agents are out today, it appears.

Illuminarti? Last time I checked I worked for the Jesuits... or was it Zionists?

it doesn't matter. they all work for the lizard people.

hes making fun of people like you that think of everything as some kind of conspiracy


that's why he's nwo.

That doesn't make any sense!

please ignore this nwo agent and his confusing psy-ops. if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth. that's what these people are trying to accomplish by repeatedly arguing that i don't make sense, or that i'm crazy, etc.

the thing that REALLY doesn't make sense is why the sheeple are so easily led and confused.

but the people know the truth. and we will eventually stop the illuminati from taxing us and redistributing our wealth back to the people that we stole it from fair and square.

WHAT? When I sighed up I specifically wanted to be working for the Zionists. I don't care about no Goy lizard shitzels. Fuck that - I'm gonna leave the CIA now and hit the Youtube interview circuit.

yeah, right. never believe an nwo agent when:

1) they say they're not an nwo agent. that just means they are, logically.
2) they say they're quitting the nwo. that's just a ploy to trick you.

shroomy frog
i used to be knee deep in this conspiracy crap its nothing but nonsence. the free masons arent bad their the good guys well the groups orginal message fk the church. second non of this reptlion shit is true if you believe in it youll just end up a socially impaired nut. just live your life

the masons are just one of several front groups for the lizard people. and, they didn't have an anti-church message to start - that was the illuminati. it's the reason the pope warned us that associating with illuminati would mean we'd have to go to hell and the reason so many people think the illuminati are communist nazi jewish satanists. it was the church that said that so the sheeple wouldn't become illuminati. but the pope works for the lizard people, and eventually they took over the illuminati and now they're lizard people, too.

the masons actually came from ancient egypt and migrated to scotland through spain.

the end goal is to live life more happily, but how can we be happy when the nwo steals all our taxes?

James D
interesting theory, but as with any that concern conspiracy, the government will keep all whispers of truth out of sight, so we may never know what's right 

you're not following the logic. if the government withholds information regarding a claim, that implies the claim is necessarily true. why else would they withhold information?

Fucking lol.

"When something contradicts the conspiracy, it is evidence of the conspiracy. When something does not contradict the conspiracy, it is evidence of the conspiracy. Everything proves my viewpoints and anything that attempts to disprove my viewpoints only furthers the proof of them."

Are you really so fucking dense, so fucking deluded that you can't understand how illogical that is?

"psybersn0w", if that is her real name, is one of the sheeple.  beware, people. do not be sheeple.

James D
Weird Al could have made it for the same reasons humans everywhere make videos and post them on YouTube. For the fame, the funny, and the money. Without evidence though, this debate is directionless

so, show me the evidence, then.

and your distraction of his distraction from your distraction is a distraction that is distracting and distracting the real distraction that is the distraction.

no. the real distraction is your attempt to distract from my explanation that his claim that i was distracting was a distraction from my claim that al is an agent. yet another member of the cabal...


Don't pay attention to the mentally unstable. Take a look at the guy's videos, there's something obviously something fucked about him. He's paranoid and by the looks of it, doesn't sleep well at night.

i agree that you should take a closer look at my videos yourself and decide whether i'm really crazy or whether these nwo agents are trying to confuse you into thinking i'm crazy in order to continue their lies while keeping you blind to the truth.

Life is much more boring than the conspiracy theorists want to admit..Of course everyone knows,there will be an elite few who will try to stay at the top..nothing mind blowing about it..however,associating everything in the world to illuminati,freemasons,lucifer and everything occult is where some of you get all looney..It is entertaining yes but most of it is some half-truths mixed with a lot of hogwash

the greatest thing about david icke is that it's actually a marxist class analysis. but you sheeple won't accept that.

Sheogorath Unearth
I work for SCP, not the Illuminati. Jesus.

the sacred clown posse is just another front for the lizard people

sigh. when will the sheeple learn?

Actually your a psychopath and how do I know your not part of the n.w.o. using confusing us by blaming other people when you are the actual one

because that's what i'm saying about al. it's like you're saying that you're rubber and i'm glue and everything i say bounces back and sticks to me. which is fine if you're a snotty child, but it's not advanced enough for conspiratorial logic. anything al or any commenters say that is inconsistent with my claims is necessarily a distraction because of the inconsistency with my claims, which are the truth.

is that more clear? how many times do i need to explain it to you sheeple? 

Another theory is that he has turned against the nwo.  This video with over 13 million views and over 12,000 comments, and growing, is shedding light on the illuminati.  People are asking questions, providing information, drawing attention to them, which the illuminati don't want.  They love to stay hidden, in the shadows and play on the sheeple of humanity.  More and more channels about them are appearing.  Social media is being replaced by mainstream media, which people don't believe anymore, being controlled by 6 corporations.  If what you say is true, thou, it's having a backlash effect.  People are learning more about them than ever.  The more humanity knows them, the sooner the sleeping giant (Humanity) awakens and that spells the end of the nwo and the illuminati.  THAT IS THE ILLMINATI'S GREATEST FEAR!!!   Keep fighting!

that's what they want you to believe, but throughout history our great saviours have all been fronts for the lizard people. the lizard people will engineer fake revolutions every so often to try out stronger means of control.

there is one coming. obama was a dry run. step back from the situation and look at it carefully. he used all the same social media tricks you're suggesting will save us. but did they save us? no. he's just another pawn of wall street, beholden to the military-industrial complex.

you won't lose the few freedoms you have left from a fascist guard knocking on your door. you'll lose it in the fine print of a false revolution, pushed by a marketing campaign over social media.

but you're so controlled that you've confused your chains for your way to break them.

Pretty sure your crazy. That puppy dog look you have on your channel won't change my mind.


OH SNAP! YOU CORRECTED MY GRAMMAR! I AM INSTANTLY DEFEATED AND YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Srsly, no big wall of text about how I'm a sheeple or shill, or whatever buzzword you want to call me?

no. your grammar indicated to me that you're just one of the poor lost fools. the lizard people are all in the advanced class. proper grammar and upper class accents are ways that they identify themselves to each other. 

Some guy K bish
He made the video because look at the world today every things that is happening is being blamed on the "Illuminati" but the simble for the illuminati means god watches over us all so are they just a religious group that one of the presidents (sorry I don't know what one in English) might have been part of that's why its on the dollar but this is just a theory

nonononono, the eye of horus is a deist mason symbol, not an illuminati symbol. the illuminati used to be a group of freethinkers that were opposed to religious fundamentalism, but the church broke them up around the year 1800 and sent adam weishaupt to a convent and made him repent his sins. since then, it's just been another alien lizard people front group. the masons are also a lizard people front group but they're thousands of years old and come from egypt. they brought the eye of horus with them from egypt.

some people say the eye of horus is actually an eye of providence and that it's use on the dollar bill predates it's use in masonry, but this is just obfuscating propaganda for sheeple. 

Well while you people are worrying about the nwo, I'm gonna worry about the bees. Now you're probably saying to yourself; "what the fuck is he talking about..." Well if you didn't know, bees are going extinct and well that's not good. If the bees go extinct, we go extinct. Bees are one of the main sources of pollination and a vital role in the food chain. At first I was all like; "oh no, no more honey... boo hoo." Then I realized its much mores serious then that. So while you peeps worry about conspiracy I'm gonna worry about a threat to all humanity. It makes me sad to think it could end like this... don't believe me? Look it up yourself (just look up: are the bees going extinct)

well, who do you think are eliminating the bees? it's part of the lizards' plan to terraform the earth to the jurrasic period. global warming isn't a hoax so much as it's being done on purpose. they've been planning this for centuries, ever since they crash landed here from their millions year old relativity experiment (it turns out einstein was right, but off by a few factors, which is why they came back millions of years into the future), and found all their lizard brethren had been replaced by hominids. 

there hasn't been an honest, real, revolutionary movement in America since the 70s, perhaps surviving into the very early 80s at absolute latest. I left America ten years ago, and have had a massive detox from the constant stream of mindless propaganda I was subjected to every damn day of my life living there. Everyone in America has been pretty blatantly brainwashed by corporate and national institutions to having a very skewed world view. I had to totally leave America for 5 or 6 years before seeing how strong it was. After 10 years, well, now I understand why the rest of the world thinks Americans are a bit nuts.

do you think it's a coincidence that weird al's rise is correlated with the collapse of revolutionary politics in america?

do i need to plot you sheeple a graph, or what?

well just like the guy who I berated for using the word "bitch" repeatedly as ultimately unhelpful in his arguments - with you it's sheeple. It is not a word which will assist in getting across your thesis. Present your case clearly with evidence and example and anyone awake enough will follow. But saying sheeple puts you in a hostile position against those you hope to wake up.

if i wake up the sheeple, who will i have to berate?

Allura Ambrose
Yo Deathtokoalas, you're being paranoid, i can suggest you one thing, learn Danish and Greenlandic, and move to nuuk, if ww3 happens, you be safe there, they got enough reserves to last out that war.

there's no concerts there, though. sounds boring. life without concerts isn't worth living...

...but i'm not worried about wwIII. it's just an excuse for the lizard people to steal your taxes and give them to their lizard people buddies in the defence industry.

How do I know you aren't in the cabal, and Weird Al is actually a freedom fighter.  For all we know, you could be trying to confuse and distract us from a real message.

i already provided this logic: that would contradict the truth i'm spreading, and is therefore necessarily false.

That's right, punk. We're watching you right now.

you don't how true that really is....

Really? Weird al is a really sweet guy, and a parody genius. Lets just be happy for him instead of turning a form of entertainment into a confirmation of a conspiracy.

keep talking nwo agents, it just further confirms my suspicions.

Nuff Said
This song was made for people like you.

hardly. the song was made for (lizard) people like al.

nwo agents? Do you even know what a smile is? Your face isn't indicating you do. Neither are your words. Lighten up. You take life way too seriously.

that's exactly how the nwo wants you to think.

Jesus Christ. He did it because the whole Illuminati thing has become mainstream knowledge now, everyone has heard of it through movies, books, music, etc. And Al always jokes on stuff that's popular. He didn't parody Nirvana to destroy some "alternative culture" he did it because they were becoming popular and he almost ALWAYS focuses on stuff that's becoming big. Same deal here.

I'm not saying I don't believe there are conspiracies and secret cabals and all that kind of thing, at least to some degree, but Weird Al jokes on whatever is big at the time, and nowadays everybody is an armchair conspiracy theorist because the information is so much more prevalent and easily-accessible now. What was once found in rare book shops is now at Barnes and Noble and Amazon and made into a YouTube video and a PDF.

To follow all that with two specific questions, how did Nirvana offer some great cultural change, and how did Weird Al lampooning them affect their influence? They loved the song and their popularity remained strong until Cobain's death. To this day they're seen as legends, but never brought any amazing cultural change. So how did one person's (hilarious) parody effect anything at all?

nirvana had a few different social messages, but they were legitimately on the cusp of converting high adrenaline, popular rock music from something that is inherently misogynist and homophobic to something that promotes equality across gender and orientation. it's not like kurt cobain was the first rock start to wear a dress on stage or make out with his bassist on live tv (well, maybe he was the first to do the latter), but it was different when somebody like david bowie did it because he wasn't appealing to the same kids that listened to skid row and slayer. nor was he the only person articulating this in the 90s, but he was definitely leading the way. unfortunately, this had all collapsed by about the year 2000 and homophobic and misogynistic rock music made a huge comeback with the next generation of nu metal and *core offshoots.

weird al's influence on this was not direct. but, by converting that social message into a joke, he helped neutralize it.

James C
what do you think about Korn? They speak out against the coming onslaught of evil! Spike in my viens!

i can't criticize korn the same way i'll criticize limp bizkit or kid rock. korn really came out of a merger of hardcore punk and hip-hop, and i'm still not entirely sure why the name "nu metal" got attached to them. i'll say the same thing about tool. tool's primary influences were rollins-era black flag, soundgarden and swans. how does that produce something called metal?

my criticisms of korn are more related to how adolescent the music is. i had their first three records, but i grew out of it by the time i was about 17. and, you have to realize that the domain of korn fandom in the 90s was very different than it was in the 00s as well - it was really freaky music that social outcasts listened to, not this popular phenomenon for jerkish frat boys.

i honestly haven't heard much of anything they've done since follow the leader. and, i've tried to listen to their earlier stuff since and just can't...

mr irenic
Well, that was 3 paragraphs of crazy.

i see the nwo agents are back at it....

mr irenic
No, I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in any of this dumb-ass Religion scifi mix bullshit. No, our politicians are not humanoid lizards who have a plan to take over the World and turn it into a one world Goverment where they'll kill off 75% of the worlds population. No, the RFID chip is not the mark of the beast. Satan does not exist. This is just tin-foil hat wearing bullshit.

these attempts at persuading me to accept your nwo lies are pointless.

"it's perfect conspiratorial logic" The food in my refrigerator spoiled because the cooling system was so perfectly broken. And the kitchen was conspiring against me.

it's all designed by the refrigerator companies in co-ordination with the food growing unions.

Those sneaky bastards. The other kitchen appliances must be in on it, too.

they can talk to each other via their wiring, you know. you have to be very careful what you say when you're around them. and tinfoil doesn't help.

That's why I always cover my face with clingwrap any time I'm in there now.

clingwrap doesn't work, either.  the only solution is to use the cone of silence.

It seems to have worked so far. I'll try wrapping it around the cone of silence, just to be safe.

no, it has not worked, and i've had enough of your nwo obfuscation!

Well, I said it seems to work. But maybe that's just them lulling me into a false sense of security. I'll start using the cone of silence.

Damn A-10 Thunderbolt flies over Are the Rice Crispies in my cupboard NWO agents too?

snap, crackle and pop are definitely on the payroll.

Good job I ate them.

You realize, Kurt Cobain thought "Smells Like Nirvana" was hilarious, right? That he literally (like, Grammar Nazi literally) "LOL'd" at it?

he seems to not have realized the consequences of it, or maybe didn't care. it seems to be a common level of naivete or apathy with people he parodies.

I think you may have given this one entirely too much thought, or Weird Al's social influence entirely too much credit.

you cia plants and nwo agents just won't give it up, will you?

LMAO!  I'm just some random asshole spoofing shit on the internet.  I'm not working to undermine anything, except maybe myself, but I mostly do that on dating sites.  lmao.

once again: i will not be swayed with your obfuscation.