Monday, July 7, 2014

somebody needs to put together an edm festival that brings out more interesting shit like this. fuck, i'll compile a list if somebody wants to put the cash down. i'm worried that electronic music is about to enter an extended period where an artist like this can't get anywhere because all the money is tied into the biggest, meanest drop ever - when there's plenty of interesting stuff being made that would blow people out of the fucking park if somebody put the investment down to do it. somebody's gotta pull a perry farrell and step up and get 'er done...

Michiel Verstockt
I guess you need to get out more :) Plenty of alternative festivals/ gigs to go to man. for example, check out Dour Festival next week! 

the existing festival movements are really not pushing interesting music. i didn't check the lineup on this, but it's almost certainly yet another collection of vapid garbage pushed by the indie press, boring house music, local artists that are friends with the promoters and a handful of acts that used to be good but are now beyond their creative cycle.

we need something that's artist-run, and has a higher floor for talent and a lower floor for (perceived) commercial potential. if there's going to be a social movement attached to this final move of electronic music into the mainstream, it needs to be attached to wresting control away from journalists and corporations (they just don't have the ears) and back into the hands of artists.

ok, i checked it.

only thing that's both relevant and interesting is son lux.

although if i lived in belgium, i'd probably stop by to see 65daysofstatic and noisia.

it's overwhelmingly crap, though. this is precisely what needs to be shattered...