Wednesday, June 4, 2014

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hrmmn. did anybody point out that the way the band is using the analogy is (predictably) preposterous? i mean, it reeks of quantum mysticism...

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i love how when i suggest it "reeks of quantum mysticism", muse fans react by saying they're spreading the message.

pseudoscience for everyone!

there were some people like bellamy in the occupy encampment i was involved with, into free energy and quantum mysticism and government conspiracies and ufos and the whole thing, and they were pretty much just laughed right out of it as a bunch of dumb tinfoil hat hippies. the problem at the core of their thinking is this kind of liberal propaganda that change is accomplished by mass movement. it never seems to click with them that this is precisely the lie that the existing system is built on. their solution to the status quo is...the status quo. no out of the box thinking.

and, if you try and give them some real theory - and suggest that the mode of production is the dominant factor in the way society is organized, for example - they freak out and call you a market-hating communist. which is true enough, but just solidifies the point of not thinking out of the box.

did it ever cross muse's mind that they're being pushed by major labels because they're not threatening to the status quo? because they are the status quo?

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it's a pretentious way to talk about entropy, meaning the first is the conservation of energy.

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yeah. we would've called you out for talking like that, hoping you'd go away.

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it's really remarkable how some fascists have managed to convert the language of human rights into an insult, as though thinking that we're all entitled to a collection of human rights (and even have a liberal rights-based political system to uphold them) is some kind of crime against the natural order. what you're reacting badly to is the deconstruction of your slave programming. but, it's probably better not to challenge yourself too much.

just go back to work, and don't worry about it.