Thursday, June 12, 2014

i used to hate thursday, but this disc is one of the best pure pop records i've heard in a while. this is really the only thursday record worth listening to.

matthew robinson
what are u kidding me ? there sound is differnt in everey recording/album...they are one of the most underated bands and they were ahead of there time back in ealy 00's.

i think it's more accurate to suggest that thursday were mostly stuck in the 80s. they tended to wear their influences fairly loudly; i think that a big factor underlying their overratedness is that people aren't really familiar with those influences. even that's not really catastrophic, but what they tended to do was essentially to barf all over cure songs. it's not a stretch to suggest that it's like listening to really bad karoake.

the theme that comes out in their work is that the vocals become less and less annoying. it's only here, finally, that they're able to get out of that scene. but, it seems like the band wasn't meant to actually get out of that scene.

i wouldn't expect much from the band members in the future. they at no point demonstrated much of any creative potential. but, they seem to have focused enough on trying to sound like radiohead on this disc that they fluked out on a better than average pop disc.

Zalgo Leegend
Pop? Did she say pop?

this is very pure pop/rock music, with essentially no hint of abstraction beyond it. i'm sorry if you grew up in a period where pop is so terrible that you can't recognize that, but it is what it is - and it is pop.