Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mellotron magical intro!  I believe its a combination of 3 violins and Brass (Mk2) from the tape based Mellotron. 

Señor Patroclo
That's great! I needed to know that. Now to get a Mellotron.

I did a pretty close cover of this song. For the intro I used the Nord Electro 4D on two tracks, one with the Strings (3 violins) and another with the Brass mellotron patch. I ran them through the Electro's leslie and a bit of reverb/eq/compression. Sounded pretty awesome!  However nothing beats the original mellotron, though I don't think it would be quite as easy to maintain and change sounds as a modern keyboard!  Rick Wakeman uses the Memotron (a new digital version of the mellotron keyboard). I heard him playing it at the weekend for his Journey to the centre of the earth tour in Cardiff, really nice too!

Señor Patroclo
Unfortunately, all I have right now is a Roland Juno G-i. So yeah, I don't know how much I can do with it, but that Memotron sounds AMAZING.

mellotrons are kind of ..... hard to find. your best bet is a vst emulator....