Wednesday, December 18, 2013

sporadic 2012 list

didn't get a chance to go through this closely; this is all tentative, and only the first half of the year, but the italics are stuff i really deeply enjoyed.

cloud nothings - attack on memory
leila - u&i
eyes - a candle in the crown of the dawn (re-release)
venetian snares - affectionate
loma prieta - IV

a place to bury strangers - onwards to the wall
frank riggio - psychexcess I
squarepusher - ufabulum
matthew bourne - montauk variations
tennis bafra - abulia jubilee
disappears - pre-language
school of seven bells - ghostory
monolake - ghosts

child bite - monomania
venetian snares - fool the detector
julia holter - ekstasis

extra life - dream seeds
actress - r.i.p.
katarrhaktes - ascension
kosmonaut - green
eivind opsvik - overseas IV
emptyset - medium
torche - harmonicraft

led er est - the diver
white lung - sorry
slugabed - time team
animal faces - anomie
marriages - kitsune
kosmonaut - the four directions of the universe
adderall canyonly - btonal
jherek bischoff - composed
pinkish black

swans - the seer